This is a tutorial that shows how to install the Dendro RDM platform using Vagrant and VirtualBox.
This is a tutorial that shows how to setup a development environment for the Dendro RDM platform using Vagrant and VirtualBox.
3. DENDRO TUTORIAL 1: Registering in the system
This video shows how user can register on the Dendro RDM platform.
4. DENDRO TUTORIAL 2: Creating a project
This video shows how user can create a project on the Dendro.
5. DENDRO TUTORIAL 3: Adding users to a project as collaborators
This video shows how user can add another users to own project.
6. DENDRO TUTORIAL 4: Managing files and folders in Dendro
This video shows how user can manage files and folders in Dendro.
7. DENDRO TUTORIAL 5: Multiple metadata descriptors and domains in Dendro
In this video you can see all metadata descriptors and domains in Dendro platform.
8. DENDRO TUTORIAL 6: Using metadata descriptors to annotate your datasets
In this video you can see example of annotation your datasets using metadata descriptors in Dendro platform.
9. DENDRO TUTORIAL 7: Data description using controlled vocabularies
In this video you can see example of annotation the dataset using controlled vocabularies created in domain Hydrogen Generation.
10. DENDRO TUTORIAL 8: Transferring a dataset from Dendro to B2SHARE
This video shows how dataset transfer between Dendro and the B2SHARE repositor.
11. TUTORIAL 10: Data and metadata collection with EUDAT’s B2DROP, Dendro and LabTablet
This video shows workflow that includes: LabTablet, Dendro, and B2Drop. It is a demonstration of the process of collecting, describing and organizing the data.